I have been in the close company of a human these past months. The title of this blog post would keep you thinking what exactly is 0-10. Well, this special friend of mine has a habit of asking for ratings about almost everything on Earth.
"On a scale of 0-10, how happy are you?", quipped he.
" Well, 8.. ,9… wait.. er!", I fumbled.
I hadn't realised how difficult it grows to quantify your responses. This game of ratings has become our personal favorite. It not only helps to estimate what the other person has in mind but also gives you a fair sense of estimation about yourself.
I am yet to find proper answers to many of such questions but I realise that this game would keep on being his and mine personal favorite.
As we sat by the sea, trying to figure out ratings. I marveled at the endless possibilities that the sea held. All ratings couldn't suffice that evening by that sea. That salt pepper breath of the sea hitting our faces, the calm and serenity that evening held: an undoubted 10! ( I won't give anything less than that.)
What sçore would you rate your lives? Let this be food for thought until we meet next.
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