I am from the land where the mighty Brahmaputra holds our lifeline. I remember visiting multiple places within Assam as a kid and no matter near or far, the bus ride always promised me a glimpse of the mighty river. My pious mother had instilled within me a faith that this river was not a river alone, it was our deity and needed to be worshipped. Each time we crossed it, she would jerk me from my sleep and fold my tiny hands into a "namaste" to show my obeisance towards the river. I was also taught that each namaste had to be accompanied with a slight bend of your head to show how humbled you felt when faced by the mighty river. Years rolled, I grew from a kid to a confused adult. Confused is the apt word to describe my state because I am preety clear about the fact that a river can't be God and as a matter of fact I even can't explain who to relate to as God but even now some unseen force makes me fold my palm into a "namaste" followed by a brief nod (thou...