A skipped heart beat
A cold night without a shawl
A score which reads "0"
A morning without sunshine
A cat caught in a storm
A call with no one to answer "hello"
A book with its last pages ripped
A cassette with no song
Rain which doesn't meet the earth
It's how the world would look without you.
Hold on
Now read this :
What if the heart is in pain
What if the night freezes you
What if you score a constant 0
What If the morning holds no sunshine
What If the cat has been shaken to it's bone
What if you don't hear that familiar "hello"
What if the book holds no ending
What if there is no music to your ears
What if you don't feel the rain in your skin
You still have everything so green in your memories.
The touch which feels so close
The melody which never fades
The score which frees you from judgement
The morning which is bright and warm
The cat in its fluffy coat indoors
The familiar deep yet chirpy "hello"
The story which you don't want to end
The music that the world sings to your ears
The rain which settles your heart.
There is so much to hold on and so less to lose.
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