My cousin who is a sports freak got his hand fractured yesterday. He came home in the evening all covered with sweat and dust ecstatic about his victory over a football match but didn't mention about his hand which had by then swollen.
It was a few hours later when I spotted his hand which by now had swollen profusely. I kind of rebuked him but he in his cheerful self remarked, "It's just a sprain, I will be okay by tomorrow."
Today the first thing that striked me after I woke up was to reach out for his hand which he had hidden under a blanket. It had swollen even more and I squinted my gaze and told him in a jocular mood that this perhaps wasn't a good start for 2019 as he had twisted his fate, he looked at me for a while and his usual cheerful composure remarked, "Maybe this is a good start for my fortune would swell like my hand". I was taken aback, I hadn't expected this from a child. This bit of positivity made my day today!
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