It was one perfectly imperfect monsoon day, the grim clouds hovered around my hostel dorm making it look haunted just like those depicted in Victorian novels. It was dark and the air smelled of parched land drenched in rain water. I was looking out of the window unable to believe that it was not yet evening but how deceivingly it looked like midnight. I was longing for that hot cup of black tea which was made available to us each evening in the dining area but such weather made it impossible for us to even step outside. Rains for us were always special, first it brought solace in the hot humid afternoons and next, it practically meant a day off from our sports hours which were tedious and tiring. Those were the days when we had no access to cellphones, so such rainy days were spent in reading books, writing letters and having endless conversations with friends. I really loved those days when I could spend longer hours reading gripping Assamese novels which was a new experience ...