As I seal these words in ink, I can see you brooding over pesky grays: unwelcomed and too many! I know, I know you are a planner, That you like to hide, And hate to take risks Yet, can't you just let go? I know life has been tough Growing up sucks, Adulting gives you cringes. But, girl, dance in your pyjamas When you still can. Don't brood at the worldly ways Your blanket shields you from all the hurt. Your books accept you with warmth, Life is more about you and less about the world. Let them run after all the sparkle, I know you find peace in your dim lit corners. Summers fun for ice-creams, Winters for a piping cup of coffee. So what if you still are a kid trapped in an adult's world You still are you and that is what it takes. So, dear, breathe while you still can The 20s won't last forever, The 30s would be real bother, Mellowing 40s would be wiser. But right now, as I write this I want you to enjoy all the cosiness You deserve and reserve for yourself! I want you ...